Valentine's Day at LEAP! Feb 12th and 13th
Student Advisory/Council will provide each student and staff member with a Valentine Bag. Our exchange will take place in the lunch area where all the bags will be labeled. Students will only fill the bags over the lunch period and students will be dismissed by grade to grab their bag before going to their 4th period class. We encourage students to bring as many Valentines as they wish but they are not required to bring anything.
LUNCH VOLUNTEERS! Thank you to last week's volunteers: Samantha W., Catie H., Jo & Jordan M., Amy N., Angie T., Lindsey A., Madeline R., and Mikela D. We have 3 volunteers for Wednesday and 1 for Thursday. We need more both days, please, especially since staff will be in our monthly STAFF MEETING. PLEASE sign up on Sign Up Genius rather than emailing. The links are on our website. Volunteer Sign Up
CUPCAKES! It's time for our Spring cupcake sale! Cake decorating classes have invented some delicious spring flavors and are excited to show off their decorating skills. Order form is attached, and orders are due to Mrs. Ridgway (Wednesday families) or Ms. Henton (Thursday families) by 2/27 and orders will be distributed in the pick-up line on March 12 and 13.
Visitation Days! Thursday, February 20 & Wednesday, March 12 Invite your friends! Guests entering kindergarten and first grade (INCOMING kindergarten and 1st grade students for fall 2025) may visit on one of the visitation days from 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. with their parents. All others (INCOMING 2nd - 11th grade for fall 2025) may stay the entire day from 8:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. Please bring a nut-free lunch that doesn't need refrigeration or reheating. An informational meeting for parents will begin at 9:00 a.m. (not required). Come see what LEAP is all about!
Northern Colorado Humane Society presentations, Thursday, Feb. 27, 10:30-11:30
BOTH days are invited to these presentations! Ya'll come!
Grades K - 4: Pet Care (sanctuary) Grades 5 - 12: NOCO Humane 101 (upstairs
lunch area.) We are currently raffling off a GIGANTIC STUFFED MONKEY (50 cents per ticket) to raise funds to
donate to NoCo Humane Society for their willingness to give presentations to
our students. Here is the monkey!!! (Mickey Mouse will be awarded to the second
ticket drawn!)
I put together a google file where you can upload the pictures directly. You can also send them to me at We'd also love a description of the picture and who is in it, if possible.
Calling all artists! We are looking for a fun back cover of this year’s Yearbook! All Wednesday students are now invited (and encouraged) to enter. The picture should be on a plain white piece of paper (not lined) at least 8 ½” wide x 11” tall. Please include the letters LEAP somewhere in the drawing. The drawing can be pen, pencil, crayon, or a mixture. We are looking for Colorful! Make sure to sign your work. For younger children and those struggling with inspiration, a template is attached that may be colored in. Pictures are due March 6th. Prize: A free copy of the yearbook with your art on the back cover!
Thanks! Abbey Chase & Talia Siens
We have some fun days ahead like Pajama Day and Valentine’s Day! I’d love to see your pictures. You can email me at or use this link to upload your photos: Thanks! Julie Nelson
Calling all artists! We are looking for a fun back cover of this year’s Yearbook! All Thursday students are invited (and encouraged) to enter. The picture should be on a plain white piece of paper (not lined) at least 8 ½” wide x 11” tall. Please include the letters LEAP somewhere in the drawing. The drawing can be pen, pencil, crayon, or a mixture. We are looking for Colorful! Make sure to sign your work. For younger children and those struggling with inspiration, a template is attached that may be colored in. Pictures are due March 6th. Prize: A free copy of the yearbook with your art on the back cover!